Click here >Staff application form<
By clicking on Staff application form a form will open asking for your information, then what and why you want that particular rank, finally it will ask you 1 Though 10 on how you feel about the staff team as a whole, and how you feel about joining the staff team. Note when staff are voting, everything that you put in will be shown. but once it gets put on-hold, denied, or accepted your steam id or pfp link will be (REDACTED) and your age will be (REDACTED)
also, Tuck recommends reading the STAFF RULES & REQUIREMENTS click here to read them.
also, Tuck recommends reading the STAFF RULES & REQUIREMENTS click here to read them.
Click here >appeal staff action form<
By clicking on appeal staff action form a form will open asking for your information, what happened.
Please note that after you submit your form it might take a week or 2 for you to get an answer!